Artificial Grass for the Office

We are starting to get a lot of interest from business, schools, and museums wanting to know if artificial grass can be used as an indoor flooring surface and we have completed quite a few of them with fantastic results so we thought it worthy of a posting on our blog: the UK’s only artificial grass online newspaper.
If you are reading this, it is likely that you typed in ‘artificial grass for offices’ – or something similar – and were looking for some quick answers: so let us get straight to the point.
Question 1: Is it possible?
Absolutely. Artificial grass is an extremely malleable surface; we can lay it on concrete, EPDM, wood, stone, indoor carpet, metal; anything, really. We can cut it to fit any shape; around radiators, pillars and fixed furniture. And, crucially, we can put furniture on top of it: tables, chairs, desks, cabinets, and benches.
Question 2: Is it practical?
The only problem you are likely to encounter is that wheeled office chairs will not roll across it as easily as they would a flat surface. This is hardly surprising. The artificial grass carpet is otherwise great for use in offices: it is hard-wearing, easily cleaned, and low maintenance.
Question 3: How do you clean it?
Vacuum cleaner, wet cloth, dry cloth, mop, brush, broom, scourer, soap, washing-up liquid. Just not bleach.
Question 4: How do you install it?
This depends on the surface. Recent installations of ours have included nailing it to a wooden floor, sticking it with an adhesive to a concrete floor, stapling it to an existing indoor carpet, and in one case, where the office was rented and so the existing indoor carpet could not be touched or scarred, just loose laid with a double-sided tape at the corners.
Questions 4: Is it realistic?
See for yourself…
Questions 5: How much does it cost?
Call us now on 03303 308581 for a quick chat to discuss your requirements.