Artificial grass for exhibitionsMore uses

Town Grass supply a lot of artificial grass for events and exhibitions: it is a clean, inexpensive and malleable application which is great for event organizers and exhibiting companies to establish a theme to their display.
Artificial grass can be used for sports themes, presenting a countryside or environment theme, exhibiting lawn-mowing or maintenance equipment, outdoor furniture, animals, or even for special events such as a summer banquet at the Royal Albert Hall (see picture above – yes, that’s our grass.)
The beauty of artificial grass for exhibitions is that it is so easily cut to different sizes and shapes. In an aesthetic way, this means that we can have a semi-circular, triangular, or wavy display-front. We can have a long strip, or inter-locking jigsaw pieces. Whatever, the original design concept, artificial grass is adaptable enough to be made to fit. In most cases, Town Grass can even supply the cutting service for clients so that the event causes minimal fuss. In a practical way, it is also ideal because display stand posts, chair legs, casters and fittings can be all be cut around so that the artificial grass surface because a seamless part of the structure.
Artificial grass is..
- great for events and exhibitions
- a perfect material for display stands
- high quality, and low cost
- easily cut to different sizes
- easily cut to different shapes
- roll out and back up for re-use
- lasts for years
- always looks fresh